Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lock requests/sec

I have just played a little with the performance monitor on my SQL-server and tried to look at the lock request per second. I really don't know what an acceptable range for this is but the server is running a pretty advanced website with quite alot of transactions. With only a modest 20 users online I have an average of about 5500 locks per second, is this acceptable and what are limits I should look for? The server is a Win2k dual AMD 1,6Mhz 512MB SP4 with RAID1...I don't know if you can look at the number of locks and determine if hardware is adequate. One should look at the database design, queries and stored procedures that access and modify data. Look at the type of locks, are they shared or exclusive? Maybe 95% of the locks are shared and that is due to scanning or large datasets coming back. Maybe one mass update is aquiry exclusive locks and will escalate to a table lock.

You sholud look at the type of locks, locks/session and the queries aquiring the locks.|||I'm not really concerned with the hardware as it seemingly performs well, but I was wondering if this was a really high number of locks and if I should be concerned about it. And how do I issue exclusive locks for my inserts and updates?|||achorozy is absoolutely right, the number of locks is arbitrary, are you having deadlocks, blocking, table locks, etc are more important questions, not to repeat achorozy but these could be shared locks which could be just queries which is perfectly fine.


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